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好男人的定義-讓自己成為 高價值男人





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What is a Sigma male? The high value man. Sigma Males have high values and characteristics. We also compare the Sigma male vs Alpha male, which both have better self esteem.

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What is a Sigma Male?

A Sigma Male is a man who chooses to live his life outside of the normal social dominance hierarchy of society. Sigma males have similar traits to alpha males but prefer to walk to the beat of their own drum, and don’t often take orders from people or conform to society’s labels or systems.

Sigma Males are often the ones who step outside their comfort zones, create amazing things, start businesses, are quiet and confident partners, and hard workers.
Their role, whether they realize it or not, is to pave the way for many others, including Alpha Males who aren’t as creative or as willing to buck the trend to allow society to progress.

你也許常遇到自信滿滿、喜歡當老大的「阿爾法男性」(alpha male,阿爾法指社會性動物社群中地位最高的個體,可能為雄性或雌性),這樣的身分與性格,看起來是不少男性與女性注目的焦點,大多男性也確實被教導要朝阿爾法之路邁進,但也有一種男性並不擔心自己的位置也能保有吸引力,他們是所謂的西格瑪男 (sigma male)。

根據《Bright Side》指出,西格瑪男不需要別人的認同,比起講話大聲和傲慢,他們更冷靜、沉穩。他們也許內向,但同時有自信心;他們不喜歡待在小團體,也很難融入團體,因為他們本身非常稀有。若要把阿爾法與西格瑪男性做比較:




他們不在乎別人的期望:如果說阿爾法們置身頂端、貝塔 (beta) 們為追隨者,西格瑪基本上不屬於這階層中的一份子。階級對他們而言沒有意義,所有來自社會的標準期望 (特別是阿爾法們),對他們而言是空泛的。你無法告訴他們該怎麼穿著、怎麼表現,他們總是做自己。








(左:基努李維  右:克里斯漢斯沃)






Sigma Male: 17 Traits that Separate You from a Beta or an Alpha

Everyone has probably heard of the alpha male, but sigma males are less well known. While the alpha is the guy at the party telling dirty jokes to the Latin beautiful girls to impress them and intimidate others, the sigma male is harder to spot. Sigma males tend to be introverted but not exactly shy. They tend to blend in, being more confident in his place in the pack. He is the brooding, mysterious one, but what mysteries he keeps are his own. He might meet Columbian women, or chat with single girl, but she will feel like she never really knew him. Latin women date many kinds of men, of course, but sigma males are very attractive to many kinds of women.

 ladies from Colombia

So what makes a sigma male? Here are 17 telltale signs that his is not just playing hard to get, but just wants to be left alone. These don’t define them, but are things they all have in common.

#1: They don’t want to be in charge. The idea of competing with others for top position, having others follow them, or them following someone else makes them uncomfortable. They won’t compete with other guys for gorgeous Latina women. They let the women find them.

#2: They are rebels. Anything hot or in, they are against it. Guys think it’s quirky, girls think it’s sexy. This rebelliousness can turn the head of a Colombian lady.

beautiful woman in Latin

#3: Just as powerful as alphas, sigmas aren’t followers and could be leaders if they wanted to be (which they don’t). They want to do their own thing and don’t care who is in charge.

#4: Sigmas are men of few words. They won’t voice their opinions because it is nobody’s business.

#5: Sigmas are the classic “bad boy.” Not because they are really bad, just because they won’t be told what to do.

#6: Sigmas are highly attractive to women, if only so women can find out what is going on in their head.

#7: They seem to be both book smart and street smart, so when they talk, people listen.

#8: They hate social norms and expectations, never wanting to be put in a “box.”

#9: They tend to live in morally gray areas and get in trouble whether they try to or not.

#10: They don’t like rules because they feel like they were made to keep them down and make them feel powerless.

#11: They try to blend into the background. They stand out by not going with the grain, though, so pretty Latina girls pick them out of a crowd and find them irresistible.

#12: They don’t follow trends. If it’s in style, they don’t like it.

#13: They have abnormal tastes and interests. They pursue strange hobbies and academic interests.

#14: They don’t belong to any social group. They aren’t nerds, jocks, or any of that, and will be just as into beautiful woman in Latin heritage as women from other cultures.

#15: They are instigators. If there is trouble, they are probably behind it.

#16: Refusal to conform makes them subjects of ridicule. People don’t understand them, so they make fun of them.

#17: They only conform if they get something out of it. If they are interested in ladies from Colombia, for instance, they might go along with the group to get what they want.

You can see that sigma males can be pretty attractive to women, mostly because they stick out by not going along with the crowd. We all know that one person who doesn’t conform and doesn’t feel the need to. He is probably a sigma male. The question to ask is if you are as well. If you see yourself in these 17 qualities, then maybe you are!