
【Taipei cake recommendation 台北蛋糕推薦】16間精緻蛋糕・在地甜點・手作蛋糕體驗

台北蛋糕推薦清單來囉!不管是什麼樣的蛋糕,甜點總是能療癒大家的一天,編輯就幫大家整理台北必買的蛋糕甜點店和推薦品項,包括老字號「紅葉蛋糕」、人氣網購甜點「深夜裡的法國手工甜點」、近年爆紅的「Lady M」及「CHIFFON 戚風蛋糕」,還有甜點蛋糕 DIY 體驗,一起來看看吧!

Taipei cake recommended list to Luo! No matter what kind of cake, dessert can always heal everyone’s day, the editor will help you sort out the must-buy cake dessert shops and recommended items in Taipei, including the time-honored “red leaf cake”, the popular online shopping dessert “French handmade dessert in the middle of the night”, the popular “Lady M” and “CHIFFON chiffon chiffon cake” in recent years, as well as dessert cake DIY experience, let’s take a look!

A must-have recommendation for visiting Taipei 暢遊台北必備推薦


Le Ruban Pâtisserie 法朋烘焙甜點坊


經典鐵盒餅乾|Source: 法朋烘焙甜點坊 FB 粉絲頁

位在大安區一處寧靜小巷弄中的「法朋」,因著一塊酸酸甜甜、口感紮實的「老奶奶檸檬蛋糕」在競爭激烈中的台北甜點店中打響名氣。法朋販售各種精緻的法式甜品,經典品項除了老奶奶檸檬蛋糕之外,還有生鮮奶油蛋糕及水果塔。店內運用法國伊斯尼奶油、日本和三盆糖等高級原料手工製作的鐵盒餅乾也是人手一盒。法朋主要以外帶的客群為主,內用有 NT$200 低消,點一杯飲品加小蛋糕,與朋友聊上一下午也很適合!

Located in a quiet alley in Taipei’s Daan District, “Fa Peng” has made a name for itself in the fiercely competitive Taipei dessert shop for a piece of “grandmother’s lemon cake” with a sweet and sour taste. Fampon sells a variety of exquisite French desserts, including granny lemon cake, whipped cream cake and fruit tart. The handmade tin box biscuits using high-quality ingredients such as French Isni cream, Japan, and three pots of sugar are also hand-made. Fapeng is mainly a takeaway customer, with NT$200 low consumption, order a drink and a small cake, and chat with friends for an afternoon!

法朋烘焙甜點坊 店家資訊

👍 推薦:老奶奶檸檬蛋糕 NT$80 / 經典鐵盒餅乾 NT$580



Source: IG @hate_everything_except_eating 授權 KLOOK 轉載

從網購甜點起家的深夜裡的法國手工甜點,原先需要在網路預訂後再於指定時間前往領取,因此有了「台北市最難買到的甜點」之稱,2020 年才在東門區有了店面。店內招牌的甜品是「超厚層生巧克力塔」,上層厚實又綿密的生巧克力搭配甜而不膩的塔皮,濃厚的巧克力風味是大人們的最愛啊!草莓季時店家也會推出特定的季節性甜品,像是卡士達草莓塔、白色乳酪草莓塔佐法國栗子泥都是超人氣的草莓季甜品。

The French handmade desserts in the late night, which started from online desserts, originally needed to be booked online and then picked up at the designated time, so it was called “the most difficult dessert in Taipei City”, and it only had a store in Dongmen District in 2020. The store’s signature dessert is the “Super Thick Raw Chocolate Tart”, where thick and dense raw chocolate is paired with a sweet but not greasy tart top, and the rich chocolate flavor is a favorite of adults! During the strawberry season, the store also launches specific seasonal desserts, such as the custard strawberry tart, white cheese strawberry tarzan, and French chestnut puree, which are all super popular strawberry season desserts.

深夜裡的法國手工甜點 店家資訊

  • 地址:台北市大安區金山南路二段 141 巷 1 號
  • 時間:16:00~00:00(週三休)
  • 電話:(02) 2367 3067
  • 詳情:FB 粉絲頁(可私訊訂購)

Color C’ode 凱莉小姐

以法式甜品為主的「Color C’ode 凱莉小姐」,從網路起家到現在擁有 5 家實體店面,店內販售的蛋糕都是使用來自日本的歐牧鮮奶油及牧場直送的雞蛋製作而成,不過甜也不膩,有許多客人是無限回購呀!凱莉小姐銷售破萬條的「黑絲綢蛋糕」,使用法國 Michel Cluizel 63% 頂級巧克力,剛打開盒子就能聞到濃郁的巧克力香。裝飾極美的「鮮奶油綜合水果蛋糕」也是許多人慶生蛋糕的首選,吃起來幸福感爆棚!

“Color C’ode Kelly”, which is mainly French desserts, has 5 physical stores since its origins on the Internet, and the cakes sold in the store are made with Omu fresh cream from Japan and eggs delivered directly from the ranch, but they are not greasy, and many customers are unlimited repurchases! Miss Kelly sells more than 10,000 pieces of “black silk cake”, using 63% of Michel Cluizel’s top quality chocolate in France, and you can smell the rich chocolate aroma just after opening the box. The beautifully decorated “Fresh Cream Mixed Fruit Cake” is also the first choice for many people’s birthday cakes, and it is full of happiness to eat!

Color C’ode 凱莉小姐 店家資訊

👍 推薦:黑絲綢蛋糕 NT$380 / 鮮奶油綜合水果蛋糕 NT$950




When it comes to desserts, why don’t you mention the king of ice cream, “Häagen-Dazs”? Häagen-Dazs also launched many ice cream cake options, among which the editor’s most recommended “Gift of Love”, consisting of 4 kinds of ice cream and colorful chocolate topping, with gorgeous chocolate ribbon flowers in the middle, turned into a gift of love, and the shape is composed of 8 small cakes, which is also very convenient to divide!



不二緻果 真芋頭

真芋頭充滿厚實芋頭餡|Source: 不二緻果 官網

不二緻果原名為「不二家」,是高雄在地的伴手禮餅店,已有 80 多年的歷史,現在在台北車站也買得到!不二緻果用料實在的「真芋頭」芋頭蛋糕是超人氣的招牌商品,蓬鬆的香草戚風蛋糕夾著香氣十足的芋角及芋泥,鮮奶油更是甜而不膩,讓人忍不住一口接著一口。夾層中的芋頭非常大塊,咬下蛋糕的每一口幾乎都能吃到芋頭。除了真芋頭之外,外皮 Q 彈、內餡濃郁香甜的「女神捲」也是芋頭控們必買的品項!

不二緻果 店家資訊

👍 推薦:真芋頭 NT$250 / 女神捲 NT$350

Amo 阿默典藏蛋糕


阿默蛋糕各式產品|Source: 阿默蛋糕 FB 粉絲頁

成立 20 多年的「Amo 阿默蛋糕」,是許多媽媽們彌月蛋糕的指定品牌,經典的「荷蘭貴族手工蛋糕」採用荷蘭純手工的烘焙技術,12 層堆疊而成的蛋糕口感紮實,一咬下去奶油的香氣直接在口中化開,濕潤綿密的蛋糕體超級順口。圓狀的「義大利焦糖馬仕卡邦」最上層是焦糖醬,搭配上夾層的義大利進口乳酪及底層的杏仁脆餅,層次豐富的口感讓人一口接著一口停不下來呢!

Founded for more than 20 years, “Amo Amer Cake” is the designated brand of many mothers’ Midue Cake, the classic “Dutch aristocratic handmade cake” uses Dutch handmade baking technology, 12 layers of stacked cake has a solid taste, a bite down the cream aroma directly in the mouth, moist and dense cake body is super smooth. The round “Italian Caramel Mascarbon” is topped with caramel sauce, with an upper layer of imported Italian cheese and an almond shortfall on the bottom.

Amo 阿默典藏蛋糕 店家資訊

👍 推薦:荷蘭貴族手工蛋糕 NT$320 / 義大利焦糖馬仕卡邦 NT$420



“Orange Village House” is famous for the Migetsu cake gift box, and the popular product “Signature Maple Grape Roll” has a dense and sweet cake body, and the cream filling inside is refreshing with rum grapes, but it is not greasy, breaking away from everyone’s stereotype of Swiss rolls, and also making it win the competition champion of Lianhe Newspaper, Liberty Times and other media. The Hokkaido Pure Fresh Milk Roll, which uses Hokkaido Tokachi’s natural grazing milk, is another popular product, and the cloud-like cake has a dense texture and is suitable for those who love a rich milk aroma.

橘村屋 店家資訊

👍 推薦:招牌楓糖葡萄捲 NT$280 / 北海道純濃鮮乳捲 NT$360



Source: Instagram @hsinchunwu 授權

「亞尼克菓子工房」招牌的生乳捲人氣高漲不下,經典的「原味生乳捲」是多年以來的銷售冠軍,外皮 Q 彈的泡芙蛋糕配上入口即化的北海道奶霜,輕甜不油膩的口感,讓許多不愛鮮奶油的朋友們也愛上這款生乳捲。搭配季節性水果,亞尼克在夏天也推出了「新鮮芒果生乳捲」,每一口咬下都能吃到大顆的芒果粒,超級滿足!「鮮芋奶霜生乳捲」中以檳榔心芋頭熬煮而成的芋泥餡也很受到歡迎!亞尼克在眾多台北捷運站都設有蛋糕販賣機,方便消費者購買,實在方便貼心。

The classic “Original Raw Milk Roll” has been the sales champion for many years, and the puff cake with Q-bomb skin and melt-in-mouth Hokkaido milk cream has a light sweet and non-greasy texture, which makes many friends who do not love fresh cream also fall in love with this raw milk roll. With seasonal fruits, Yannick also launched the “Fresh Mango Raw Milk Roll” in the summer, where you can eat large mango pieces with every bite, super satisfying! The taro paste stuffed with betel nut heart taro in the “Fresh Taro Cream Raw Milk Roll” is also very popular! Yannick has cake vending machines at many Taipei MRT stations, which is convenient for consumers to buy, which is really convenient and intimate.

亞尼克菓子工房 店家資訊

👍 推薦:原味生乳捲 NT$380 / 鮮芋奶霜生乳捲 NT$420




Source: Instagram @zzz.x.x 授權

提到台北蛋糕絕對不能錯過的就是五十年老店「紅葉蛋糕」!身為全台灣第一家製作鮮奶油蛋糕的店家,紅葉蛋糕的鮮奶油蛋糕雖然外表看似普普通通,但裡頭的海綿蛋糕鬆軟 Q 彈,外層的鮮奶油香甜且不膩口,就連平常不愛吃鮮奶油的朋友們都稱讚!編輯推薦第一次嚐鮮的朋友們試試「鮮奶油巧克力蛋糕」,古早味的經典造型還能喚回大夥兒童年記憶中的美好時光。

When it comes to Taipei Cake, you can’t miss the 50-year-old restaurant “Red Leaf Cake”! As the first shop in Taiwan to make whipped cream cake, although the red leaf cake whipped cream cake looks ordinary on the outside, the sponge cake inside is fluffy and Q bomb, and the outer layer of whipped cream is sweet and not greasy, even friends who don’t usually like to eat whipped cream praise! The editor recommends that friends who try fresh for the first time try “fresh cream chocolate cake”, the nostalgic classic shape of the old school can also recall the good times in everyone’s childhood memories.

紅葉蛋糕 店家資訊

👍 推薦:鮮奶油巧克力蛋糕 8吋 NT$680 / 鮮奶油水果蛋糕 8 吋 NT$790



Source: Instagram @ellyfamilybakery 授權


The birthday cake series of “Ari Cake” is not only eye-catching in shape, but also has a variety of flavors! The most popular “Hokkaido Strawberry Custard” is the most luxurious birthday cake with a double layer of strawberries and whipped cream, topped with fresh strawberries and blueberries and filled with Italian custard! The cute puff bear cake is topped with a circle of crispy puffs surrounded by sweet and sour strawberry slices, and the bottom layer is added with French cream biscuits to add layers, making it a cake that both adults and children will love.

艾立蛋糕 店家資訊

👍 推薦:草莓奶凍 NT$800 / 泡芙熊蛋糕 NT$680




綜合千層可以一次品嚐多個口味|Source: 塔吉特 官網

有著台版 Lady M 之稱的「塔吉特千層蛋糕」,因著綿密且層次分明的口感受到大家的喜愛,最受歡迎的品項是「A 款綜合千層蛋糕」,是由 4 種口味做成的拼盤蛋糕,分別是蕾雅起士、牛奶、巧克力、岩燒提拉,編輯非常推薦大家試試這款拼盤蛋糕,一次就能品嚐到4種不同口味的美味千層!喜歡珍珠的朋友們,也不妨試試塔吉特新推出的「黑糖珍珠千層」,濃厚的日式冲繩黑糖在口中蔓延的焦香,絕對能滿足你的味蕾!

Known as the Taiwanese version of Lady M, “Target Mille-feuille Cake”, because of the dense and layered mouth feels everyone’s love, the most popular item is “A Comprehensive Mille-feuille Cake”, which is a platter cake made of 4 flavors, namely Lea Cheese, milk, chocolate, Iwayaki Lift, the editor highly recommends that you try this platter cake, you can taste 4 different flavors of delicious mille-feuille at once! Pearl lovers, you may also wish to try Target’s new “brown sugar pearl mille-feuille”, the rich Japanese Okinawan brown sugar spread in the mouth caramel, can definitely satisfy your taste buds!

👍 推薦:A 款綜合千層蛋糕 $870 / 黑糖珍珠千層 $900

塔吉特千層蛋糕・KLOOK 獨家免運

塔吉特千層蛋糕 店家資訊

Lady M

台北蛋糕:Lady M

Source: Instagram @yajouhsu 授權

來自紐約的「Lady M」已在台灣展店 5 年了,目前在台北有 3 家分店,除了晶華酒店分店僅供外帶,位在捷運國父紀念館站附近的旗艦店及遠百信義店都能夠內用。來到 Lady M 必點的就是這款經典「原味千層蛋糕」,別以為原味的千層蛋糕會很無聊,由二十層 Q 彈軟嫩的手工餅皮層層堆疊而成的原味千層蛋糕,口感清爽細緻,還帶有淡淡的白蘭地香氣。喜愛抹茶的朋友們也可以試試「抹茶慕斯蛋糕」,濃郁的抹茶香在口中散開的時刻超級幸福!

“Lady M” from New York has been showcasing in Taiwan for 5 years and currently has 3 branches in Taipei, except for the Regent Hotel branch for takeaway, the flagship store near the MRT Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Station and the Far Bai Xinyi store can be used inside. Don’t think that the original mille-feuille cake will be boring, the original mille-feuille cake is made of 20 layers of Q-elastic soft handmade crust stacked on top of each other, the taste is refreshing and delicate, and it has a light brandy aroma. Matcha lovers can also try “matcha mousse cake”, the rich matcha aroma in the mouth is super happy!

Lady M 店家資訊

👍 推薦:經典原味千層蛋糕 NT$260 / 抹茶慕斯蛋糕 NT$260




Source: Instagram @ayi617 授權

「CHIFFON」以道地日式做法製成的戚風蛋糕,吃起來輕盈鬆軟,不甜也不膩口,店內販售的戚風蛋糕有 4 吋、6 吋、8 吋和 10 吋四種選擇。編輯推薦第一次品嚐的朋友們可以試試「紅茶戚風蛋糕」,店家特別使用英國 TWININGS 伯爵茶葉,一打開盒子就能聞到濃濃的紅茶香!喜歡鮮奶油的朋友們則可以試試「香草鮮奶油戚風蛋糕」,淡淡的香草香氣及雞蛋香完美融合在一起,嚐一口便能令人難以忘懷。

CHIFFON’s authentic Japanese chiffon cake is light and fluffy, not sweet or greasy, and is available in 4-inch, 6-inch, 8-inch and 10-inch chiffon cakes. The editor recommends that friends who taste it for the first time can try “black tea chiffon cake”, the store specially uses British TWININGS Earl Grey tea, as soon as you open the box, you can smell the strong black tea aroma! Friends who like whipped cream can try the “vanilla whipped cream chiffon cake”, the light vanilla aroma and egg aroma are perfectly blended, and the taste can be unforgettable.

CHIFFON 手工蛋糕店 店家資訊

👍 推薦:紅茶戚風蛋糕 NT$250 / 香草鮮奶油戚風蛋糕 NT$500


Bonnie Sugar 手作甜點店

Bonnie Sugar 草莓蛋糕

多種草莓蛋糕可供選擇|Source: Bonnie Sugar FB 粉絲頁

「Bonnie Sugar」來自高雄,店內主打千層蛋糕及各式水果塔,尤其草莓蛋糕及草莓塔系列最受歡迎!造型超級可愛的「雙層小草莓蛋糕」,最底層的塔皮口感酥脆,接下來是滿滿的鮮奶油、卡士達醬及草莓瓣,最上層則是一顆完整的小草莓。「手工捏製塔皮幸福草莓塔」是由原味派皮加上杏仁奶油蛋糕、卡士達醬及鮮奶油所製成,吃完真的會超級幸福!

Bonnie Sugar 店家資訊

👍 推薦:雙層小草莓蛋糕 NT$380 / 手工捏製塔皮幸福草莓塔 NT$320



普諾麵包坊 頂級生巧克力蛋糕

頂級生巧克力蛋糕|Source: 普諾麵包坊 FB 粉絲頁

位在神旺大飯店 1 樓的「普諾麵包坊」,店內招牌的「頂級生巧克力蛋糕」共有 8 種尺寸,大家可以依照享用的人數來決定大小。普諾麵包坊的頂級生巧克力蛋糕造型精緻,上頭有一個小小的巧克力片裝飾配上格紋,相當有質感。店家特別以比利時進口的巧克力製成,濃郁的巧克力香氣及濕潤的巧克力蛋糕入口即化,從冰箱拿出來立即食用的口感更上一層!

普諾麵包坊 店家資訊

👍 推薦:頂級生巧克力蛋糕 NT$520

Black as Chocolate

Black as Chocolate 巧克力蛋糕

巧克力蛋糕|Source: Black as Chocolate FB 粉絲頁

「Black as Chocolate」簡稱為 BAC,店內的招牌商品為使用 100% 比利時巧克力製作而成的「經典巧克力蛋糕」,經典巧克力蛋糕的外層為苦甜濃郁的巧克力醬,裡頭則是口感綿密的巧克力蛋糕,兩者在口中融合而成的層次感超級豐富,蛋糕上還有著師傅特別繪製而成的五瓣玫瑰紋樣,可以說是一款好吃又好看的經典蛋糕,喜歡巧克力蛋糕的你一定要試試!

Black as Chocolate 店家資訊

👍 推薦:經典巧克力蛋糕 NT$410


除了品嚐店家製作的蛋糕甜點外,也可以嘗試自己 DIY 動手做。但是一般人家裡都沒有大型烤箱或攪拌機等烘焙器材,就可以選擇在烘焙教室體驗烘培樂趣。這類烘焙教室會貼心幫你備好所有材料,附上製作說明,方便你一步一步完成自己親手所做的蛋糕。

Lo Kai 手作烘焙趣

台北蛋糕推薦:手作蛋糕 DIY

Source: KLOOK

位於新北淡水的「Lo Kai 手作烘焙趣」提供多種蛋糕烘焙體驗,蛋糕/甜點的口味琳瑯滿目,多達好幾十種,例如乳酪蛋糕、戚風蛋糕、馬卡龍或泡芙。他們所以提供的平板電腦內含示範影片和步驟說明,方便你一步一步跟著完成。如果覺得沒有信心,也可以選擇親自授課的課程,讓烘焙老師為你指導。

Lo Kai 手作烘焙趣・各式甜點體驗

Lo Kai 手作烘焙趣 店家資訊

  • 地址:新北市淡水區新市一路三段 162 號 1 樓
  • 電話:(02) 2622 2998
  • 時間:10:00~18:00
  • 詳情:官方網站粉絲頁









Welcome Bake


Welcome Bake 居家手作蛋糕體驗|Source: KLOOK

「Welcome Bake」也是一家提供現場蛋糕手作體驗的工作室,因應疫情也推出了居家烘焙材料組合,讓民眾不必煩惱備料問題,無經驗也能輕鬆操作。非常適合跟家人、情人或孩子一同體驗甜點 DIY 樂趣。這邊提供的食材以健康天然為取向,主原料供應商皆為知名大廠,不必擔心食安問題。

Welcome Bake 居家烘焙・精選材料包

